Saturday, January 19, 2008


I've been reading through the Book of Psalms. There are 150 of them. When you read one of day that covers a good amount of the year. So that is what I am doing.

We are 19 days into the year so that is where I am in reading. God is showing me a lot in these chapters. Much of it is for my personal life, but some of if is ministry related.

I suggest reading through the Psalms daily. Of course there are a few that are lengthy, but take your time and go through them. You will be blessed by them.

Ask God to speak into your heart & life when reading His Word. Then be still & quite long enough to listen to Him. Don"t just hear Him - listen. Then act upon what He is saying to you.

Again, I suggest you read through the Psalms. You will be blessed- God will use you to bless others too. :)

In Christ Service,


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