Monday, February 4, 2008

Another post :)

Well, it's a new month. Where did the last one go??

Anyway, GOd is still God( isn't He always :) ) and He is working around us at all times.

Foucs on Him. See where He is working,opening doors and join Him. That is what He wants.

As I continue my my walk through the book of Psalms, I am again & again amazed by God's Word. He is clearly speaking through His word into my heart and life. The Spirit is opening His word to me like never before. The more I study, get knowledge, get understand, and get wisdom from His word the more I realize how little I know His word and Him. This leads me to pray , listen and seek God. To grow in the understanding, knowledge and wisdom of Him and His word.

As I have the ,God given, chance to preach His word, and study His word I just thank Him and desire to share Him with others.
If you or I am not doing that then we have to question ourselves. It is all about Him and no one else.

To God be the glory! That my tongue would sing praise and my heart would offer thanksgiving to Him EVERYDAY!!!


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